Female Identity in Ladies Coupe


  • Ramdas V H Research Scholar, Comparative Literature, Sree Sankaracharya University, Kalady


Self, Identity, Female Existence, Culture, Tradition


In the process of growing up to become a woman, the girls and their talent in real sense do not get the opportunity and environment to grow, the reason is that it lies in the deep-rooted notion of masculinity and femininity existing in our society which applies pressures on women to conform to the dominant societal stereotypes. Masculinity in our society implies aggregation and dominance. The women, on the other hand are the example of femininity which implies passivity, sacrifice, timidity and inferiority. Our circumstances always give a second position to the female community. They are supposed to be the sufferers of all male dominated activities. Our literature had no such sufficient space to express the situation of women. But now a day’s many woman writers are ready to express their own ideas through their works. They expressing the agonies, struggles, problems faced by the female community. Through this paper I wish to point out how the female identity or female self is expressed in the novel Ladies Coupe which is written by Anitha Nair.


